
Sicherheitsunterweisung <br />WEA <br />






The PPE against falls from a height training complies with the requirements of DGUV regulations 112-198/199. Participants learn the correct use of personal protective equipment against falls from a height (PPEgA) for working and rescuing under fall hazards through theoretical instruction and practical application. A DGUV certificate is issued upon successful participation.

Course content:

  • Legal basics DGUV regulation 112-198 and 112-199
  • Basics of fall physics, fall factor and impact force
  • Innovations in the occupational safety concept for workplaces at height
  • Materials science
  • Inspection of personal protective equipment against falls from a height
  • Correct use of personal protective equipment against falls from a height
  • Selection of anchor points EN 795
  • Rescue of casualties from fall arresters
  • Rescue of fallen persons - Rescue from great heights
  • Variations of the concepts already learnt


  • Minimum age 18 years
  • Occupational health examination according to BG principle G 41 "Work involving a risk of falling".

After passing the examination you will receive

  • Your personal certificate from SHE Solution
  • Confirmation in your safety passport

Validity of the DGUV certificate: 12 months


Event Information

Event Date 16.09.2024
Event End Date 16.09.2024
Capacity 6
Available place 3

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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